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Our allotment is looking fabulous and we wanted to be able to share some photographs with you.  We are growing rhubarb, onions, carrotts, strawberries, tomatoes, turnips and potatoes amongst other things!  The children love the opportunity to go down there especially on sunny days like we have been having!  Mrs Smith and Mrs Richardson have been working very hard to create this wonderful space for our children to enjoy and learn new things.

With eight schools attending in total, our year 5 boys team took point in their first tournament of the year.  Winning the first game 3-0 and coming up with a 0-0 draw and a 1-0 loss in the group stage, we went through by coming in at second place in the group stage.

We were very excited in Nursery and Reception today to have a visit from Ruxley Beekeepers with a hive of bees!  This is part of their ‘Amazing Animals’ topic.

It is Eurovision day at Belmont! All children and staff were asked to pick a country (for a small donation to our wonderful PTA) and dress to impress!

We have also asked the children to share a fact about their chosen country - they all look wonderful!

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